B2B Analytics: Companies & Industries

Discover what companies are listening to your show, attribute marketing leads, and justify ROI

Measure the impact of branded
and validate ROI

CoHost’s B2B Analytics allows brands to see exactly what companies are listening to their show and
identify valuable leads. CoHost is partnered with Clearbit to gather listener data across all listening apps


Breakdown of companies listening

A detailed look at the companies listening, broken down by company size, industry and revenue


Identify Engagement Touchpoints

Leverage your podcast as an additional engagement touchpoint throughout the customer journey


Report on episode performance

Get a detailed look at the companies listening to each episode including company size, industry, revenue, and location


Connect your podcast to qualified leads

Export the list of companies tuning into your podcast to identify valuable prospects and boost lead generation efforts

Analytics and insights designed for brands

Join global brands and agencies using
CoHost to measure performance

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Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids Logo
Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle Logoamdocs Logopwc LogoRally LogoExpedia LogoKhoros Logocapintel LogoHeart & Stroke LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankTD BankTD BankTD Bank

Ready to report on podcast ROI?

/* UTM tracking code * Takes any query parameters that have affiliate tracking * and adds them to any links to our app. * Note: app links need to have “app-link” css class */ var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); var query = urlParams.toString(); if (query.length > 0) { var queryParams = ‘?’ + query var appLinks = document.getElementsByClassName(‘app-link’); for (i = 0; i < appLinks.length; i++) { appLinks[i].href += queryParams; } }