Land sponsors with the data they need

Give sponsors the demographic data they need to advertise on your show


Leading brands trust CoHost to drive podcast growth

Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle Logoamdocs Logopwc LogoRally LogoExpedia LogoKhoros Logocapintel LogoHeart & Stroke LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankTD BankSick Kids LogoTD Bank
Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle Logoamdocs Logopwc LogoRally LogoExpedia LogoKhoros Logocapintel LogoHeart & Stroke LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankTD BankTD BankTD Bank
Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle Logoamdocs Logopwc LogoRally LogoExpedia LogoKhoros Logocapintel LogoHeart & Stroke LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankTD BankTD BankTD Bank

Podcasts that trust CoHost

Podcast data that does
the work for you

Identify new sponsors to monetize

Discover which companies are listening to your podcast to determine prospective sponsors.

Know where your audience lives

See which channels your audience lives on and prioritize these in your marketing mix.

Understand audience interests

Curate content and marketing efforts to directly tie back to what your audience is most interested in. 

Unlock insights to unlock revenue


Hear from brands & agencies
who use CoHost:

Content Allies logo
Take Back Talk Back Podcast Cover
EQ Bank logo
The Marketer's Journey  Podcast Cover
Uberflip logo
Field Tripping Podcast Cover
Field Trip logo
VS SickKids Podcast Cover
SickKids logo
The B2B analytics feature set is phenomenal
"CoHost is one of our go-to hosting platforms for B2B podcasts. The B2B analytics feature set is phenomenal and gives our clients the KPIs and metrics they need to show value from their podcast. The tech support is also top-notch. With CoHost, you speak to humans who get back to you quickly with any issues or concerns."
Jake Jorgovan, Founder of Content Allies
Take Back Talk Back Podcast Cover
“Everything in one easy-to-use platform”
"CoHost has made me feel like a podcast expert, even when I was a beginner. It can be stressful to keep track of all the moving parts of a podcast, but CoHost makes it seamless – everything in one easy-to-use platform. We can really drill down and see what is working and what’s not, to create even better content and grow our audience."
Sarah Zandbergen, EQ Bank
The Marketer's Journey  Podcast Cover
“Through CoHost, we’ve been able to easily measure impact”
"Through CoHost, we’ve been able to easily measure impact and how our podcast improves on our overall marketing performance for Field Trip Health. Our team is able to pull strategic insights that work to improve our podcast content and increase growth."
Randy Frisch, Uberflip
Field Tripping Podcast Cover
We’ve been able to easily measure impact
"Through CoHost, we’ve been able to easily measure impact and how our podcast improves on our overall marketing performance for Field Trip Health. Our team is able to pull strategic insights that work to improve our podcast content and increase growth."
Conrad Page, Field Trip Health
VS SickKids Podcast Cover
CoHost has simplified the process of podcasting
"CoHost has simplified the process of podcasting enormously. By giving us access to a robust set of podcast analytics and audience data, the platform has enabled us to focus on what we do best."
Hannah Bank, SickKids Foundation

Get the insights that
win sponsors

Companies & Industries

Uncover which companies and industries are tuning into your podcast.

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Social Media Habits & Consumption

Explore the social media platforms your listeners use and how they use them.

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Interests & Lifestyle

Discover the interests and sub-interests of listeners and what lifestyle they live.

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Age & Location

Know the age of your listeners and where they’re tuning in from. 

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Income & Family Members

Understand socio-economic status and who lives within their household (including furry friends)!

Learn more

Take your podcast to the next level with CoHost


Explore more resources from the CoHost library:

Resource Library
/* UTM tracking code * Takes any query parameters that have affiliate tracking * and adds them to any links to our app. * Note: app links need to have “app-link” css class */ var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; var query = urlParams.toString(); if (query.length > 0) { var queryParams = ‘?’ + query var appLinks = document.getElementsByClassName(‘app-link’); for (i = 0; i < appLinks.length; i++) { appLinks[i].href += queryParams; } }