Audio insertion designed for brands and agencies

Insert pre and post roll audio into your podcast to monetize with ads and dynamically edit your content

Audio insertion without the headache

CoHost’s audio insertion tool makes it easy to organize snippets and
dynamically add audio for seamless editing and monetization


Add to published or drafted episodes

Dynamically insert pre and post roll audio into any episode in your CoHost library, no matter its publication status


Check audio quality before publishing

Listen to your inserted audio before publishing so you can ensure it’s high quality and consistent


Save time during the insertion process

Add, edit, and replace pre and post roll audio in bulk to increase efficiency and save time


Keep track of your audio files

Make content management easy by labeling every file so you know its purpose and where it’s placed

Audio insertion that makes sense

Join global brands and agencies using
CoHost to measure performance

Cisco LogoParamount Logocapintel LogoHeart & Stroke LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoIheartJAR AudioIheartIheartIheartcapintel Logocapintel Logocapintel Logocapintel Logocapintel Logo
Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids Logo
Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle Logoamdocs Logopwc LogoRally LogoExpedia LogoKhoros Logocapintel LogoHeart & Stroke LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankTD BankTD BankTD Bank

Ready to save time and streamline
your content insertion?

/* UTM tracking code * Takes any query parameters that have affiliate tracking * and adds them to any links to our app. * Note: app links need to have “app-link” css class */ var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; var query = urlParams.toString(); if (query.length > 0) { var queryParams = ‘?’ + query var appLinks = document.getElementsByClassName(‘app-link’); for (i = 0; i < appLinks.length; i++) { appLinks[i].href += queryParams; } }