Transcribe your podcast without the extra cost and tools

Leverage AI-powered podcast transcriptions to create additional content to share across channels

AI-powered transcription tool for
effortless editing and distribution

Say goodbye to extra transcription tools and automatically transcribe
your podcast episodes to boost discoverability and accessibility


Easily transcribe episodes 

Transcribe any podcast episode in under 3 minutes and with 95-99% accuracy with our AI tool


Simple content management

Edit your speakers and text directly in CoHost, save your transcriptions as drafts, and download them as a word file


Direct website publishing

Leverage SEO by automatically publishing transcriptions to your CoHost website or downloading as a word file


Expand your audience

Give audience members who are hard of hearing the option to consume your content in a written format

Podcast management & transcriptions done all in one place

Join global brands and agencies using
CoHost to measure performance

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Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids LogoSick Kids Logo
Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle Logoamdocs Logopwc LogoRally LogoExpedia LogoKhoros Logocapintel LogoHeart & Stroke LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankTD BankTD BankTD Bank

Ready to see your content in action?

/* UTM tracking code * Takes any query parameters that have affiliate tracking * and adds them to any links to our app. * Note: app links need to have “app-link” css class */ var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; var query = urlParams.toString(); if (query.length > 0) { var queryParams = ‘?’ + query var appLinks = document.getElementsByClassName(‘app-link’); for (i = 0; i < appLinks.length; i++) { appLinks[i].href += queryParams; } }