Powerful podcast analytics & growth tools

CoHost makes it simple for brands and agencies to publish, grow, and measure their podcast

Join leading brands & agencies using CoHost to grow their podcast and improve marketing performance

Powerful tools to measure & promote your branded podcast

  • Simple podcast management so you can easily create, publish, measure, and report on podcast success.

  • Unlimited podcast hosting to continue growing your branded podcast without worrying about storage. 

  • Frictionless download attribution so you can see what marketing channels are performing and where to invest resources.

  • SEO-first tools such as automatic transcriptions, custom podcast websites, and embedded web players so you can boost your podcast and brand visibility.

  • Robust reporting to easily measure podcast performance and share results with your team and leadership.

  • Audience data that gives you insights into who your audience is and how your content resonates with them.

Leading podcast hosting services for brands & agencies 

CoHost equips brands with robust podcast analytics
and audience growth solutions

"CoHost has simplified the process of podcasting"
Hannah Bank, SickKids Foundation

"CoHost has simplified the process of podcasting enormously. By giving us access to a robust set of podcast analytics and audience data, the platform has enabled us to focus on what we do best."

"Everything in one easy-to-use platform”
Sarah Zandbergen, EQ Bank

"CoHost has made me feel like a podcast expert, even when I was a beginner. It can be stressful to keep track of all the moving parts of a podcast, but CoHost makes it seamless – everything in one easy-to-use platform. We can really drill down and see what is working and what’s not, to create even better content and grow our audience."

"Easy to adapt to our brand for a united content experience”
Randy Frisch, Uberflip

"CoHost has been an invaluable asset to us on our podcasting journey. The solution is well designed and easy to adapt to our brand for a united content experience. Overall, the CoHost team has been a tremendous partner as we navigate the ever-evolving podcasting landscape."

"We’ve been able to easily measure impact”
Conrad Page, Field Trip Health

"Through CoHost, we’ve been able to easily measure impact and how our podcast improves on our overall marketing performance for Field Trip Health. Our team is able to pull strategic insights that work to improve our podcast content and increase growth."

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