State of Podcast Agencies Report

Get insights into the podcast agency landscape including the biggest constraints and opportunities facing them today.

The State of Podcast Agencies 2023 seeks to better understand the agency landscape, covering operational details such as their size along with the constraints and opportunities facing podcast agencies and their clients.


Of podcast agencies are
struggling with resourcing


Tools are used on average
during a clients journey


Of podcast agencies are using word
of mouth to acquire new customers


For agencies, this report will:

Give data points to
benchmark your company
Provide insight into podcast agency pain points
Uncover the
needs of
agency clients
Explore areas of
opportunity and growth

Download the report to explore the podcast agency landscape

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“Podcast agencies have never been more valuable. Brands and their agencies see us as leaders in the space and are looking for a trusted source to lead their podcast creative, audience growth, and project management. Podcasts are still very much seen as a specialized service and podcast agencies meet that need by providing a turnkey solution.”
Roger Nairn, Founder & CEO, JAR Audio

Get the podcast analytics
and audience insights you need to grow


Additional CoHost Reports to explore:

The State of
Branded Podcasts 2022
Analytics Template
Podcast Social
Media Calendar
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