The Ultimate Podcaster Starter Pack

Explore 10 free templates to take your
podcast to the next level

Starting a podcast can be overwhelming. That’s why we created the Ultimate Podcast Starter Pack to help podcasters plan, track, and measure their shows.


CoHost’s templates will help you:

Distribute your show
Plan your content
Organize your guests and recordings
Track and report on analytics

Download the templates to begin taking your podcast to new levels

Thank you for downloading!

We’re happy to see that you’re interested in podcast marketing. We hope you find the tips and insights throughout this guide useful in growing your podcast audience.

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“Data is what drives podcast performance and growth. Using CoHost’s templates, podcasters have the tools to not only understand their data, but to put it to work when growing their show.”
Stephanie Andrews, Director of Product at CoHost

Get the podcast analytics
and audience insights you need to grow


Additional CoHost Reports to explore:

The State of
Branded Podcasts 2022
Analytics Template
Podcast Social
Media Calendar
/* UTM tracking code * Takes any query parameters that have affiliate tracking * and adds them to any links to our app. * Note: app links need to have “app-link” css class */ var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; var query = urlParams.toString(); if (query.length > 0) { var queryParams = ‘?’ + query var appLinks = document.getElementsByClassName(‘app-link’); for (i = 0; i < appLinks.length; i++) { appLinks[i].href += queryParams; } }