CoHost vs.
Omny Studio

For podcast agencies and brands, having a reliable podcast analytics and audience insights platform is crucial for the success of your podcast. With an abundance of options available, it can be a challenging task to find the right platform that caters to your specific needs.

We compared CoHost to Omny Studio so agencies and brands can confidently select the ideal solution that aligns with their podcasting and business goals.

“CoHost is one of our go-to hosting platforms for B2B podcasts. The B2B analytics feature set is phenomenal and gives our clients the KPIs and metrics they need to show value from their podcast. The tech support is also top-notch. With CoHost, you speak to humans who get back to you quickly with any issues or concerns.”
– Jake Jorgovan, Founder of Content Allies

CoHost vs. Omny Studio
Compare features and pricing



Omny Studio



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Hosting & Management
Team Management
Podcast Analytics
Download Analytics
Unique Listener Analytics
Advanced Audience Demographics
City Level Geography Data
Lifestyle Data
Household Income Data
Social Media Behaviour
Consumption Rate
B2B Analytics
Show Level: Companies, industries, company sizes, and revenue data Reporting
Episode Comparison: Compare which companies and industries are listening to each episode
Episode Level: Companies, industries, company sizes, and revenue data Reporting
Marketing & Promotion
Embeddable Media Player
Automatic Podcast Website
Podcast Tracking Links
Link Analytics
Automatic Transcriptions
Social Media Publishing
Customizable RSS Feed
Podpage Integration
Wordpress Plugin
One Click Publishing (Listening App Distribution)
Audiograms/Marketing Clip Equivalents
YouTube Publication Integration
Data API
Dynamic Ad Insertion (Mid-Roll & Geotargeting)
Pre and Post Roll Ad Insertion
Ad Network
Supports Video Podcasting
Supports Video Podcasting
Mobile App
Mobile App

What makes CoHost different?

Generate leads with B2B Analytics

Want to get in-depth insights into your B2B audience? Look no further than CoHost's B2B Analytics solution. Our unique offering provides you with valuable information about the companies that listen to your podcast including size, industry, and revenue. Use these insights to measure impact and boost lead generation efforts.

See which channels drive downloads

Create a unique tracking link for each episode and promote it across your marketing channels to measure which platforms generate the most downloads. Use this data to refine your marketing strategy and attract a larger audience.

Automatic website for SEO

With CoHost, creating an SEO-friendly website that organizes your podcast episodes and improves discoverability is now effortless. As a CoHost user, you'll receive a fully customizable website that's tailored to your podcast and company's brand, consolidating all your episodes in one place.

Cutting-edge podcast analytics regardless of your hosting setup

CoHost’s prefix is proud to provide podcast analytics and audience insights to all brands and agencies no matter their hosting provider. Our team will work with you to set up the prefix on your RSS feed so you can easily track the data you need to understand your audience and measure performance.

Designed for agencies and brands

CoHost was developed by the podcast agency, Quill, with a focus on meeting the unique needs of other podcast agencies and brands. 

Our team created CoHost out of our own need for better analytics and insights to serve our clients.

Get the podcast analytics
you’ve been waiting for


Leading brands and agencies choose CoHost to manage their podcasts

Leading brands and agencies/choose
CoHost to/manage their podcasts

"CoHost has simplified the process of podcasting"
Hannah Bank, SickKids Foundation

"CoHost has simplified the process of podcasting enormously. By giving us access to a robust set of podcast analytics and audience data, the platform has enabled us to focus on what we do best."


"Everything in one easy-to-use platform”

Sarah Zandbergen, EQ Bank

"CoHost has made me feel like a podcast expert, even when I was a beginner. It can be stressful to keep track of all the moving parts of a podcast, but CoHost makes it seamless – everything in one easy-to-use platform. We can really drill down and see what is working and what’s not, to create even better content and grow our audience."

"Easy to adapt to our brand for a united content experience”
Randy Frisch, Uberflip

"CoHost has been an invaluable asset to us on our podcasting journey. The solution is well designed and easy to adapt to our brand for a united content experience. Overall, the CoHost team has been a tremendous partner as we navigate the ever-evolving podcasting landscape."

"We’ve been able to easily measure impact”
Conrad Page, Field Trip Health

"Through CoHost, we’ve been able to easily measure impact and how our podcast improves on our overall marketing performance for Field Trip Health. Our team is able to pull strategic insights that work to improve our podcast content and increase growth."

"The B2B analytics feature set is phenomenal”
Jake Jorgovan, Founder of Content Allies

"CoHost is one of our go-to hosting platforms for B2B podcasts. The B2B analytics feature set is phenomenal and gives our clients the KPIs and metrics they need to show value from their podcast. The tech support is also top-notch. With CoHost, you speak to humans who get back to you quickly with any issues or concerns.

Join global brands and agencies using
CoHost to measure performance

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Cisco LogoContent Allies Logomindtickle Logoamdocs Logopwc LogoRally LogoExpedia LogoKhoros Logocapintel LogoHeart & Stroke LogoSick Kids LogoTD BankTD BankTD BankTD BankTD Bank

Discover how CoHost can improve
marketing performance

Asked Questions

How do I switch to CoHost?
If I switch to CoHost, will I lose my previous podcast data?
How do I get in touch with the CoHost team?
/* UTM tracking code * Takes any query parameters that have affiliate tracking * and adds them to any links to our app. * Note: app links need to have “app-link” css class */ var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); var query = urlParams.toString(); if (query.length > 0) { var queryParams = ‘?’ + query var appLinks = document.getElementsByClassName(‘app-link’); for (i = 0; i < appLinks.length; i++) { appLinks[i].href += queryParams; } }