Q1 Podcasting Report

Take a deep dive into Q1’s podcasting highlights

In the ever-evolving podcast landscape, 2023 has been full of exciting innovations and breakthroughs already.

Whether you're an agency, company, or marketer looking to level up your branded podcast, this podcast highlights recap will keep you in the loop and on top of the latest trends in the industry.


The Q1 Podcasting Report uncovers key data about the audio landscape such as:


podcast listeners


The podcast industry market is
valued at 23.56 billion


of Americans aged 12-54 have listened
to a podcast in the past month


For brands and agencies
this report will:

“With its comprehensive analysis of listener demographics, content trends, and market dynamics, the Q1 Podcasting Report empowers us to make informed decisions, identify untapped opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition.”
Eric Babakhanian, Director of Audience Growth at Quill and CoHost

Download the full report and uncover latest insights, trends, and more from the podcast industry

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We’re happy to see that you’re interested in podcast marketing. We hope you find the tips and insights throughout this report useful in growing your podcast audience.

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