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Turning Data Into Decisions: How to Take Action From Your Podcast Data

Last updated on

February 19, 2024

Turning Data Into Decisions: How to Take Action From Your Podcast Data

Learn the strategies for utilizing your podcast data to drive actionable insights – everything from defining your podcast objectives to tracking download sources and analyzing listener demographics.

Alison Osborne


 min read


Leveraging data-driven insights allows you to make informed decisions, improve your show’s content, engage your audience more effectively, and for podcasters, identify monetization opportunities. By utilizing data to optimize your podcast, you can create a better listening experience for your consumers and achieve your podcasting goals faster and more effectively.

So, let’s dive into three key strategies for utilizing your podcast data to drive actionable insights.


1. Define your podcast objectives and KPIs 

Defining your podcast objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is crucial for defining effective podcast strategies because it provides clarity and focus, helps measure success, and guides decision-making. 

Here are some of the ways it helps to drive actionable insights:

·  Clarify and focus: Clearly defined podcast objectives outline the specific goals you want to achieve with your podcast. Whether it's to increase brand awareness, grow your audience, drive website traffic, or generate leads, having well-defined objectives keeps your efforts focused and aligned with your overall podcasting purpose.

·  Measuring success: KPIs are quantifiable metrics that allow you to measure the success of your podcasting efforts. By setting specific KPIs related to your objectives, you can track your progress and determine whether your strategies are effective in achieving the desired outcomes.

·  Data-driven decision-making: Objectives and KPIs provide a benchmark for evaluating your podcast's performance. Data-driven insights from tracking these metrics enable you to make informed decisions about content, marketing, and promotional strategies. If certain strategies aren't delivering the expected results, data analysis can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your approach.

·  Resource allocation: Defining objectives and KPIs help allocate resources effectively. You can prioritize the strategies and activities that align with your goals, ensuring that time, effort, and budget are spent on initiatives that contribute to the success of your podcast.

·  Adapting to changes: The podcasting landscape is dynamic, and audience preferences and industry trends can evolve. Having clear objectives and KPIs allows you to stay agile and adapt your strategies as needed to remain relevant and effective.

·  Measuring ROI: When you have specific podcast objectives and KPIs in place, it becomes easier to measure the ROI of your podcasting efforts. You can assess whether the benefits of your podcast, such as increased brand visibility or customer acquisition, outweigh the costs associated with producing and promoting it.

·  Aligning stakeholders and teams: If you're working with a team, defining podcast objectives and KPIs helps align all stakeholders and contributors. Everyone involved will have a shared understanding of the podcast's purpose and what success looks like. This alignment fosters collaboration and a unified effort toward achieving the defined goals.

·  Staying motivated: Knowing what you aim to achieve with your podcast and having measurable KPIs keeps you and your team motivated. Seeing progress towards your objectives can provide a sense of accomplishment and encouragement to continue putting effort into creating high-quality content and implementing effective strategies.

Overall defining podcast objectives and KPIs is the foundation for developing a successful podcast strategy. 

It brings focus to your efforts, enables data-driven decision-making, and ensures that your podcast aligns with your broader goals, whether they are related to branding, marketing, or audience growth.


2. Track your download sources

In order to track podcast download sources and nurture associated marketing channels, you need the most accurate data. Here are some suggestions we have when it comes to tracking your download sources:   

·  Choose a reliable podcast hosting platform: One that provides detailed analytics on download sources. Popular hosting platforms like CoHost, Libsyn, Podbean, and Blubrry offer comprehensive statistics that you can use to track your podcast's performance. CoHost, in particular offers tracking links which track click to downloads across your marketing channels. 

·  Use UTM parameter: For links that live within your shownotes, use UTM parameters in the URLs. UTM parameters are tags added to the end of URLs that help track the source of traffic in tools like Google Analytics. This will enable you to differentiate downloads coming from different marketing channels.

·  Utilize unique promo codes or URLs: If you're running promotional campaigns, consider using unique promo codes or URLs for podcast listeners (e.g. PODCAST20 for 20% off of your product or service). This way, you can attribute conversions to specific your podcast easily.

·  Monitor analytics: Regularly check the analytics provided by your hosting platform. Look for information on download sources, audience demographics (age, location, social media consumption, hobbies), and popular episodes. This data will give you insights into not only download sources but also audience preferences and podcast performance.

·  Focus on top-performing channels: Identify the marketing channels that are driving the most downloads and engagement. Focus your efforts on nurturing these channels further to maximize their impact on your podcast's growth. This includes engaging with your audience and promoting your top episodes. 

·  Experiment with new channels: Continuously explore new marketing channels and promotional strategies. It's essential to stay open to trying different approaches to see what works best for your podcast. For example, you could try out premium/exclusive content on platforms like Patreon, host live or virtual promotional events, or even launch a giveaway. 

·  Measure conversions: Beyond just tracking downloads, measure how well each marketing channel is converting listeners into subscribers, email sign-ups, or other desired actions. Conversion data will help you evaluate the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts through podcast ROI.

By carefully tracking podcast download sources and developing top-performing marketing channels, you can optimize your podcast's reach and engagement, ultimately growing your listener base and building a successful podcast.


3. Analyze listener demographics

Analyzing podcast listener demographics is crucial for understanding your target audience and finding where they live online. By knowing their preferences, online habits, and demographic information like family members, pets, and geographic location, you can optimize your marketing efforts and even cater your future content toward your target audience. .  

For instance, you can tailor your podcast content, guest selection, and messaging to address the unique needs and interests of your audience. 

Here are some ways to help you analyze your audience analytics::

·  Survey your audience: Create a listener survey to gather data directly from your audience. Ask questions about their age, location, interests, and online habits. You can use tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to conduct the survey. Offer an incentive, such as a giveaway or exclusive content, to encourage more participation.

·  Review audience demographics data: Some podcast hosting platforms, like CoHost, offer Advanced Audience Demographics, so you and your team can access valuable insights into your audience including age, social media consumption, pets, family members, habits, lifestyle, and more.  If you’re a brand or agency, CoHost’s B2B Analytics provides a deep dive into exactly what companies are listening to your podcast including size, revenue, industry, and location.  

·  Utilize social media insights: If you have social media pages associated with your podcast, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, they’ll provide insights into the demographics of your followers. Review these analytics to understand the age, location, and preferences of your social media audience.

·  Analyze web traffic: If you have a website or blog related to your podcast (we encourage it for SEO-purposes), use tools like Google Analytics to analyze the demographics and habits of your website visitors. You can gain insights into their location, behavior on your site, the sources they came from, and other valuable data.

·  Use social listening tools: Social listening tools like Mention or Hootsuite Insights help you monitor discussions and mentions related to your podcast. This can give you an idea of where your target audience is active online and what topics they are interested in.

·  Look for similar podcasts: Identify other podcasts that target a similar audience as yours. Analyze their online presence and engagement strategies. This can provide valuable insights into where your target audience spends time online.

·  Create listener  personas: Based on the data and insights gathered, create buyer personas representing your ideal podcast listener. These personas should include demographic information, online behavior, interests, and pain points.

Remember that audience preferences and behaviors can evolve, so make sure to regularly update your demographic analysis and adapt your marketing strategies accordingly. Engaging with your audience and staying attuned to their needs will help you maintain a strong online presence and grow your podcast's reach.


4. Bonus: Metrics to track    

Downloads and unique listeners:

Analyzing both downloads and unique listeners is important when analyzing your podcast data because they provide different insights into your podcast's reach and audience engagement. 

Downloads give you an indication of the overall reach and popularity of your podcast and its episodes; whereas. unique listeners provide you with insights into the size of your loyal and engaged audience. 

Analyzing both downloads and unique listeners, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your podcast's performance, reach, and audience engagement. 

Listener engagement metrics 

These metrics include average consumption rates, listening duration, completion rates, or listener drop-off points, so you can determine the parts of your episodes where listeners are most engaged and where they tend to lose interest. Were there too many ads? Did the conversation stray too far off topic? Taking that into consideration you can adjust your content structure, pacing, or storytelling techniques to maximize engagement and retention.

Analyze competitor podcasts 

Lastly, make sure to analyze the performance of other competitor podcasts in your niche or with similar target audiences. Compare metrics like download numbers, engagement rates, or audience growth to gain insights into industry benchmarks and identify areas where you can improve or differentiate your content. It is important to see where you stack up against the competition so you can continue to scale while ensuring your show is differentiated enough and has its own POV. 


Are you ready to take action from your podcast data?

So, there you have it! Our top strategies for utilizing your podcast data to drive actionable insights. We hope the additional metrics to track helped so you know what to look out for.  Remember the importance of leveraging data-driven insights to optimize podcast content, engagement, and overall performance of your show. 

If you’d like to learn more, get in touch with the CoHost team!

/* UTM tracking code * Takes any query parameters that have affiliate tracking * and adds them to any links to our app. * Note: app links need to have “app-link” css class */ var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; var query = urlParams.toString(); if (query.length > 0) { var queryParams = ‘?’ + query var appLinks = document.getElementsByClassName(‘app-link’); for (i = 0; i < appLinks.length; i++) { appLinks[i].href += queryParams; } }