2023 Unwrapped

A look at 2023’s podcast trends

2023 brought new technologies, podcasts, brands, and major headlines that swept the industry. Explore our 2023 Unwrapped to gain insight into this year and our predictions for 2024.  

Whether you’re a brand, network, creator, or agency, you’ll be equipped with the key insights and happenings from 2023.


The 2023 Unwrapped report highlights
key data and trends from 2023 including:

Podcast listeners are nearly as likely to listen to a branded podcast as they are to a celebrity show

64% of listeners pay full
attention to podcast ads

85% of companies capture
video for their podcasts


For agencies and networks this report will:

Reveal notable stats and data from 2023

Highlight the year’s top podcast releases

Showcase who and what made headlines

Report tech advancements in audio such as audience demographics, ad tracking, and AI


Drive reach, growth, and revenue for your branded podcast


Unlock analytics to show who your podcast
listener is and what resonates with them


“The 2023 Unwrapped report is crucial for anyone keen on understanding the ever-evolving podcasting landscape. It provides detailed insights into new data, technologies, key releases, and industry trends. This report is a tool for grasping the current state and future of podcasting, making it essential for leveraging opportunities in this space.”

-Alison Osborne, VP of Marketing, Quill Inc. and CoHost

Boost your podcast knowledge from 2023 and discover predictions for 2024.

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Unlock the full potential of your podcast and see who’s really listening

Maximize insights into your podcast audience, engagement, and ROI


Additional Reports to Explore

Q1 Podcasting Report 2023

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2023 has been full of exciting news, updates, and breakthroughs for the world of branded podcasts.

Explore a recap of Q1's podcasting highlights.


Immerse yourself in Q1's most significant podcasting events and headlines. Discover the latest news from industry giants like Wondery, Amazon, Spotify, and YouTube, as they continue to shape the podcasting landscape.

With more than 5 million podcasts in existence(and counting), there are new shows launching all the time. Here are just a few that have launched in Q1.

The podcast industry hit the ground running in 2023

The Q1 Podcasting Report uncovers key data about the audio landscape

Read the report now to uncover Q1 2023's new products, tools, and launches.


Q2 2023 Podcasting Report

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The first half of 2023 has come with a wave of thrilling innovations and milestones in podcasting.


For agencies, brands, or marketers looking to take their branded podcast to new heights, this Q2 podcasting recap will keep you informed and ahead of the curve on the latest trends in the industry.

Dive into the latest developments and noteworthy achievements that have shaped the landscape of branded podcasts in the second quarter of 2023

Download the full report and uncover latest insights, trends, and more from the podcast industry.


Q3 2023 Podcasting Report

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Discover our Q3 podcast industry recap


Explore the cutting-edge developments and milestones that have shaped the podcasting scene in the latter half of 2023.

For agencies, brands, and marketers looking to elevate their branded podcasts and stay ahead of the curve, our report guides you through the latest industry trends, stats, newsmakers, and releases.

Showcasing audio newsmakers including companies, launches, and events

Download the full report for Q3's top trends, key releases, expert insights, and more.

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