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Leverage Your Podcast to Identify Engagement Touchpoints with Prospective Companies

Last updated on

November 2, 2023

Leverage Your Podcast to Identify Engagement Touchpoints with Prospective Companies

Discover how CoHost's B2B Analytics feature can help you identify which episodes or topics are resonating with your target audience and see if a prospective company is engaging with your content. Use this data to create more targeted content and engagement strategies that are more likely to resonate with your audience.


 min read


Are you struggling to identify the right prospects for your marketing efforts? Have you considered leveraging your podcast to gain insights into which companies are engaging with your content?

With CoHost's B2B Analytics: Companies & Industries feature, you can now easily identify engagement touchpoints with prospective companies. By analyzing which episodes or topics are resonating with your target audience, you can create more targeted content and engagement strategies that are more likely to generate leads and close deals.

What are engagement touchpoints? 

Marketing engagement touchpoints are moments of interaction between a brand and a consumer during the customer journey. These touchpoints can occur through various channels, such as social media, email, website, mobile apps, and customer service. 

The goal of engagement touchpoints is to establish a relationship with the customer, build trust, and create a positive customer experience. Engagement touchpoints can be measured through metrics such as clicks, likes, shares, comments, downloads, and purchases. 

By tracking engagement touchpoints, marketers can gain insights into the interests and behavior of their target audience, and tailor their marketing strategies to better align with their audience's needs and preferences.

Identifying engagement touchpoints within your podcast

Use B2B Analytics to track which episodes or topics have the most listens and engagement from your target audience. Whether you’re trying to get in front of a certain industry, size of company, location, or individual brand, this data can help you identify which parts of your podcast are resonating and which are not. 

By focusing on the topics that generate the most engagement, you can create more targeted content and engagement strategies that are more likely to engage your audience and increase interactions.

Looking for deeper podcast insights and analytics?

Segmenting prospective companies

Segmenting prospective companies is an essential step to getting the most out of your podcast analytics. It allows you to organize your leads according to certain criteria, such as industry, company size, revenue, or geographic location, making it easier for you to target them effectively. With the data provided by B2B Analytics, you can identify the companies that are listening to your podcast and use this information to prioritize and target the most promising leads.

One way to segment your prospects is to cross-reference the list of companies listening to your podcast with your ideal customer profile. By segmenting your prospects, you can tailor your messaging and engagement strategies to their specific needs and interests, increasing the likelihood of converting them into customers.

By integrating your B2B Analytics data with your CRM or using spreadsheet tools like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, you can segment your prospects effectively to target them with the right message at the right time. This allows you to take a data-driven approach to lead generation and prioritize the right companies for follow-up.

Ways to leverage engagement touchpoint data from your podcast 

By combining the data from B2B Analytics with your lead segmentation, you can craft targeted engagement strategies that are more likely to resonate with your audience. 

Some ways your brand can leverage your podcast’s engagement touchpoint data includes:

  1. Identify popular topics and episodes: Determine which topics and episodes are most popular among your target audience. This information can be used to guide future content creation and promotion efforts.
  2. Tailor marketing messages: Tailor marketing messages to better resonate with your audience. By understanding which topics and episodes are connecting the most with their audience, brands can create more effective marketing campaigns and positioning.
  3. Generate leads: Identify which companies are listening to your podcast and whether they fit the ideal customer profile. This information can be used to generate new leads and prioritize them for follow-up.
  4. Improve listener retention: Identify areas where listeners may be dropping off. By understanding where listeners are losing interest, you can make changes to content or promotion strategies to improve listener retention.
  5. Build stronger relationships: Create targeted content and engagement strategies that are more likely to resonate with your audience. This can help to build stronger relationships with listeners over time.

How to implement B2B Analytics into your podcast process 

Once your team has an understanding of how you’re going to leverage your engagement touchpoint data, now it comes down to implementing these insights into your podcast process. 

Here’s a sample of how you can add these insights to your workflow: 

  1. Identify prospective companies: Before you can track engagement touchpoints, you need to know which companies you’re targeting. Use B2B Analytics to identify the companies that are listening to your podcast, and then cross-reference this list with your target account list to identify prospective companies.
  2. Track engagement touchpoints: Once you have identified prospective companies, track their engagement touchpoints by reviewing the data provided by B2B Analytics. Look for episodes or topics that are resonating with these companies.
  3. Analyze engagement data: Use the engagement data to gain insights into the interests and behavior of prospective companies. For example, if a company is listening to multiple episodes on a specific topic, this may indicate that they are particularly interested in that topic. Use this information to tailor your content and engagement strategies to better align with their interests.
  4. Prioritize follow-up: Use the engagement data to prioritize follow-ups with prospective companies. For example, if a company has listened to multiple episodes and engaged with your content in other ways (such as by sharing on social media), this may indicate that they are highly engaged prospects and should be prioritized for follow-up.

How B2B Analytics help identify engagement touchpoints with prospective companies

In conclusion, leveraging B2B Analytics to identify engagement touchpoints can help marketers in a number of ways. 

By identifying which episodes or topics are resonating with your target audience, you can create more targeted content that is more likely to drive engagement and generate leads. Additionally, by using engagement data to prioritize follow-up with prospective companies, you can ensure that your sales and marketing efforts are focused on the most engaged and high-potential leads.

Overall, B2B Analytics is a powerful tool for any brand looking to drive business growth. Explore how you can get started today and take advantage of insights and data to help measure the impact of your podcast.

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