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The Difference Between B2B and B2C Branded Podcasts

Last updated on

April 18, 2024

The Difference Between B2B and B2C Branded Podcasts

Exploring the unique differences between B2B and B2C branded podcasts and analyzing the variances when it comes to the target audience, content focus, tone, style, distribution channels, monetization, and finally success

CoHost Marketing Team


 min read


Whether you are consuming a podcast, thinking of starting one, or already well underway with a show, it is important to know the different types of podcasts out there. 

When we think of branded podcasts, most people’s minds go straight to B2C – and that’s understandable. After all, 70% of the top ten branded podcasts were from B2C brands and B2C podcasts have a 95% higher average number of reviews than B2B shows. 

Now you’re probably wondering: With those stats in mind, wouldn’t I automatically opt for a B2C show? What exactly is the difference anyway?

In today’s post, we are going to dive deep into exploring the unique differences between the B2B and B2C branded podcasts. After reading, you’ll be able to understand the variances in target audience, content focus, tone, style, which channels they distribute on, how they monetize, and how their individual success is measured.

1. Target audiences

When it comes to target audiences for B2B branded podcasts versus B2C, they can vary quite drastically. It’s important to understand the distinction to ensure your content strategies cater to specific listeners.

B2B podcast target audiences

B2B branded podcasts focus on, of course, other businesses. Within these businesses, your podcast is typically targeting a certain industry, size of the company, and role or position.  

The content of B2B podcasts is typically tailored to address the challenges, trends, and insights relevant to the target audience. The objective is to provide valuable knowledge, position yourself as a thought leader, and offer practical strategies that can help businesses thrive. For instance, by improving professional development and facilitating networking opportunities within the industry.

B2C podcast target audiences 

On the other hand, B2C podcasts focus on the consumers themselves, entertaining and informing listeners. Typically, B2C podcasts cater to a much broader consumer audience. 

B2C podcasts tend to target consumers across different demographics, focusing on their specific interests, preferences, and needs. They often leverage storytelling, expert interviews, engaging narratives, and entertaining formats to captivate listeners and build brand loyalty. 

At the end of the day, the goals between B2B and B2C podcasts will likely be similar, build brand awareness, drive customer engagement, and ultimately grow the businesses. 

CoHost Tip: Ever wonder why following a listener-first approach to podcasting is so important? Check out our article that goes into why putting your listeners’ preferences, fears, interests, and desires first is the key to podcasting success. 

2. Content focus

Beyond who you’re creating content for, you’ll also need to pinpoint your content focus (or your podcast niche). 

While it may be tempting to keep your content scope broad to attract more listeners, when you attempt to resonate with everyone, you resonate with no one. 

When it comes to content focus, there are distinct differences between B2B podcasts and B2C podcasts. 

Content focus in B2B podcasts 

Content focus in B2B branded podcasts centers around industry-specific insights, trends, expert interviews, and business strategies. These podcasts delve deep into the challenges, thought leadership, and best practices within a particular industry or niche. 

They often feature discussions with industry leaders, subject matter experts, and successful entrepreneurs, who share their experiences and knowledge from being in the space for a long time. 

B2B podcasts aim to provide valuable information and practical advice that can help businesses improve their operations, enhance productivity, overcome bottlenecks, and stay ahead of the competition. 

The content is highly educational, informative, and focused on addressing the unique needs and interests of business professionals, executives, and key decision-makers.

Content focus in B2C podcasts  

B2C branded podcasts have a broader content focus that revolves around lifestyle, entertainment, inspiration, consumer tips, and product stories. 

These podcasts cover a wide range of topics that appeal to everyday consumers, including personal development, health and wellness, entertainment, celebrity, pop culture, travel, cooking, style & fashion, and much more. 

The content is designed to entertain, engage, and inform listeners in a way that aligns with their interests, aspirations, and dreams. 

B2C podcasts often feature storytelling, interviews with influencers or celebrities, practical tips, and entertaining segments to keep the audience entertained and coming back for more (they really play up the FOMO if you don’t tune in weekly!). 

The goal is to establish a connection with consumers, foster brand loyalty, and create an engaging listening experience that reflects the brand's values and resonates with its target audience.

3. Tone and style

Next up we have tone and style. You’d expect a podcast from Xero to feel different than one produced by Glossier – and there’s many reasons for that. 

Here’s a deeper dive into the differences between B2B and B2C podcasts’ tone and style. 

Tone and style of B2B podcasts

The tone and style of B2B podcasts are typically professional, informative, authoritative, formal, and educational. These podcasts aim to establish credibility and position the brand as a trusted industry resource. The tone is often serious and buttoned up, mirroring the nature of the business environment. The style of communication is professional with a focus on delivering in-depth analysis, data-driven insights, and actionable advice. 

B2B podcasts prioritize providing valuable information, industry trends, case studies, and expert opinions to help businesses make informed decisions. The overall tone and style convey a sense of expertise and reliability, catering to the discerning needs of business professionals.

Tone and style of B2C podcasts

In contrast, B2C podcasts adopt a more casual, conversational, relatable, engaging, and entertaining tone and style. These podcasts aim to connect with listeners on a more personal level and create an engaging, intimate, and enjoyable experience. 

The tone is often casual, friendly, and conversational as if the hosts are having a friendly chat with the audience (as if you’re simply sitting in someone’s living room!). The style of communication is less formal, incorporating storytelling, humor, and relatable anecdotes to capture the attention and interest of consumers. 

B2C podcasts strive to entertain, inspire, and provide practical tips or insights that enhance the everyday lives of listeners. The overall tone and style create a sense of familiarity, building a connection between the brand and its audience.

4. Distribution channels 

Because of their different target audiences and goals, B2B and B2C podcast When it distribution strategies to tend to look quite a bit different.

B2B podcast distribution channels

For B2B podcasts, you’re usually looking to target audiences within the business community. Some common strategies include:

  1. Collaborations and partnerships: B2B podcasts may form partnerships with relevant industry influencers, organizations, or associations. By featuring guest episodes or cross-promoting with established industry figures or brands, B2B podcasts can tap into their partner’s existing audience and expand their reach to targeted professionals. 
  1. Industry-specific platforms: B2B podcasts are often distributed through industry-specific platforms, such as a business-focused podcast directory or platform catering to professionals within a particular sector. These platforms help ensure that the podcast reaches a highly targeted audience interested in industry-related content. 
  1. LinkedIn and other professional networks: B2B podcasts have a strong presence on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. They actively engage with relevant groups, participate in industry discussions, share podcast episodes and related content to connect with other like-minded professionals, and generate awareness within the target audience. 
  1. Email marketing and newsletters: B2B podcasts often use email marketing and newsletters to promote new seasons and episodes. They may leverage existing mailing lists or partner with industry publications to reach a wide network of professionals who have expressed interest in receiving industry updates in their space. 

B2C podcast distribution channels

On the other hand, B2C podcasts focus on leveraging channels that align with consumer preferences and habits. Below are the most common distribution strategies for B2C podcasts:

  1. Social media promotion: B2C podcasts heavily rely on social media platforms to connect with their target audience. They create dedicated pages or profiles for their podcasts and actively share engaging content, episode highlights, behind-the-scenes footage, and listener interactions on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok.
  1. Podcast directories and aggregators: B2C podcasts utilize popular podcast directories and aggregators, such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and other platforms, to ensure maximum visibility and accessibility to the broad podcast-listening audience.
  1. Influencer and cross-promotion: B2C podcasts collaborate with social media influencers, celebrities, or popular content creators to tap into their established fan base. Through guest appearances, sponsored episodes, or cross-promotions, B2C podcasts can expand their reach and attract new listeners who follow these influential individuals.
  1. Brand websites and blogs: B2C podcasts often have dedicated sections on their brand websites or associated blogs. They promote new episodes, provide additional content related to podcast topics, and encourage visitors to explore the podcast through website integration.
  1. Paid advertising and sponsorships: B2C podcasts may explore paid advertising options on platforms like social media, search engines, or other relevant websites to target specific consumer segments. They may also collaborate with relevant brands or sponsors to leverage their reach and tap into their target audience through sponsored content or advertising slots within episodes.

5. Monetization Strategies 

It's important to remember that the specific monetization strategies adopted by B2B and B2C podcasts can vary based on factors such as audience size, podcast format, industry niche, and the podcast's overall goals and branding. Podcasts often employ a combination of many strategies to generate revenue and sustain the production and growth of their shows. 

Let’s dive into the main monetization strategies that B2B and B2C podcasts zero in on. Let’s begin with B2B monetization strategies:

  1. Industry conferences and events: B2B podcasts may monetize through partnerships with industry events or conferences. This can include live podcast recordings, sponsorship of podcast sessions or stages, or promotional activities around the event. B2B podcasts can generate revenue through event-related ticket sales, sponsorships, or brand collaborations.
  1. Sponsorships and advertisements: B2B podcasts often attract sponsors and advertisers who are interested in reaching the podcast's niche business audience. These can include companies offering relevant products, services, or solutions to the target B2B market. Sponsorships can involve pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll advertisements within podcast episodes, as well as mentions or endorsements by podcast hosts.
  1. Premium content or memberships: Some B2B podcasts offer premium content or membership programs to their audience. This can include access to exclusive episodes, in-depth interviews, bonus materials, or educational resources like reports or courses. The podcast may charge a subscription fee or offer tiered membership options, providing additional value to subscribers.
  1. Consulting services and workshops: B2B podcasts can leverage their expertise and credibility to offer consulting services, coaching programs, or specialized services related to the podcast's subject matter. This can include one-on-one consulting sessions, workshops, consultation invoice template, or customized solutions for businesses seeking support and guidance.

For B2C podcasts, monetization strategies can look like a mix of:

  1. Sponsorships and advertisements: B2C podcasts often monetize through sponsorships and advertisements from brands targeting the podcast's consumer audience. This can include product placements, sponsored segments, or brand mentions within episodes. B2C podcasts may partner with companies in relevant industries such as food, fashion, beauty, travel, entertainment, or wellness. 
  1. Merch sales: B2C podcasts can create and sell branded merchandise, including items such as apparel, accessories, or merchandise related to the podcast's themes or catchphrases. This not only generates revenue but also helps build a stronger connection with the podcast's fanbase. 
  1. Crowdfunding and donations: Some B2C podcasts rely on crowdfunding platforms or accept direct donations from their loyal listeners. This can be facilitated through platforms like Patreon, where listeners can support the podcast by making regular contributions in exchange for exclusive perks, bonus content, early access to episodes, or personalized content.
  1. Live events: B2C podcasts may monetize through live events, tours, or experiences. They can organize live podcast recordings, fan meetups, workshops, or ticketed events that offer unique interactions with the hosts, special guests, or immersive experiences related to the podcast's content. 
  1. Affiliate marketing: B2C podcasts can earn revenue through affiliate marketing by promoting products or services and earning a commission for each referral or sale generated through their unique affiliate links. This strategy often works well for podcasts focused on product recommendations, reviews, or lifestyle tips.

6. Success Metrics

It’s important to note that while there might be differences in which success metrics B2B and B2C podcasts look at, there’s a fair bit of overlap and shared metrics depending on the show’s specific goals, industry niche, and audience.

For B2B podcasts here are the top 4 success metrics:

1. Thought leadership and brand authority:

Through in-depth discussions, analysis of industry trends, and sharing unique insights, B2B podcasts can demonstrate the depth of knowledge and expertise within the organization, ultimately elevating the brand's reputation and credibility. 

By consistently delivering valuable content that educates and inspires, B2B brands use podcasts to solidify their position as industry leaders, attracting new clients, partners, and opportunities.

Success in this category is gauged by:

  • The number of invitations to speak at industry events or conferences
  • Media mentions or features spotlighting the podcast or its host(s)
  • Guest appearances on other relevant podcasts or platforms
  • The overall perception of the podcast as a trusted source of industry insights and expertise

2. Audience engagement and retention:

Through B2B podcasts, businesses aim to establish a consistent connection with their audience by offering insights, advice, and industry updates that resonate with their target market. 

Additionally, B2B podcasts typically include interviews with industry experts, case studies, and common pain points to speak directly to high-ticket, target accounts.

Brands can use these metrics to evaluate their audience engagement and retention levels:

  • Number of subscribers or followers across various platforms
  • Episode downloads or streaming numbers
  • Listener retention rate over time
  • Average listening duration per episode
  • Average consumption rate, indicating how much of each episode is consumed
  • Audience feedback and interactions, such as comments, reviews, or social media mentions
  • B2B Analytics (size, industry, and location of companies listening)

CoHost Tip: To learn more about how B2B brands are using podcasts to enhance their ABM strategy, check out our full article. 

3. Lead generation and conversions:

By addressing the pain points and challenges faced by their target audience, businesses can capture the attention of potential customers who are actively seeking solutions. 

Through strategic calls-to-action, such as directing listeners to download resources, sign up for webinars, or request consultations, B2B podcasts can effectively drive engagement and initiate meaningful interactions with prospects. 

Success metrics in this category can include:

  • The number of leads generated through podcast-related activities
  • Website sign-ups or form submissions attributed to podcast episodes
  • Inquiries received as a direct result of podcast content
  • Conversion rates, which indicate the percentage of leads converted into customers or clients
  • Number of qualified leads or sales directly attributed to podcast engagement

CoHost Tip: Not sure how to calculate conversions from your podcast? Check out our article that breaks down our top four ways. 

4. Partnerships and collaborations

B2B podcasts provide a valuable opportunity for forging partnerships and collaborations with other businesses and industry influencers. 

Collaborating with complementary brands or thought leaders can not only enrich the podcast content but also introduce the business to a wider pool of potential clients and stakeholders. 

Additionally, partnerships formed through podcasting can lead to mutually beneficial opportunities such as joint ventures, co-marketing campaigns, or strategic alliances, further enhancing the business's growth and impact.

If you’re aiming to enhance your partnerships or collaborations, here are some metrics to track:

  • Number and quality of partnerships formed with industry influencers or thought leaders
  • Guest appearances by prominent figures within the target industry
  • Collaborations with relevant brands or organizations
  • Joint initiatives that extend the podcast's reach and deepen its influence within the industry

In comparison, here are the top 5 success metrics for B2C podcasts:

1. Audience reach and growth

B2C podcasts often prioritize reaching a wide consumer audience and achieving consistent growth. High reach and sustained growth demonstrate the podcast's ability to attract and retain a large consumer audience.

Remember, there is a key difference between traffic and growth. Anyone can buy traffic (downloads), but it takes a lot more work to build a loyal and engaged audience. 

Here are a few metrics B2C podcasts use to measure reach and growth:

  • The number of subscribers/downloads 
  • Unique listeners
  • Audience growth rate over time
  • Reviews
  • Social media engagement

2. Social media engagement

With 42% of people finding podcasts on social media, B2C podcasts heavily rely on social media platforms to connect with their target consumers.

Social media builds communities. You have the ability to invite your listeners to follow you on social media or they have the ability to find you themselves. Once they’ve done this you can begin interacting with them more authentically.

Success metrics in this category include:

  • The number of social media followers
  • Likes, shares, and comments on podcast-related content, like audiograms 
  • Social media engagement metrics reflect the podcast's ability to capture and maintain the attention of its consumer audience beyond the audio episodes

CoHost Tip: To learn more about using social media to grow your podcast, check out our full article. 

3. Brand awareness and recognition

B2C podcasts aim to enhance brand awareness and recognition among consumers. Brand awareness is essential because it ensures that consumers recognize and remember a particular brand when making purchasing decisions.

Success metrics can include: 

  • Brand mentions or tags on social media
  • Media coverage or press mentions
  • Positive online reviews or ratings
  • The podcast's overall reputation and recognition within its target consumer market

4. Listener feedback and reviews:

B2C podcasts often rely on listener feedback and reviews as indicators of success, as they demonstrate the podcast's impact on its audience and their satisfaction with the content.

Because there are over 5 million podcasts (and counting), positive reviews act as social proof for your podcast, showing potential listeners why they should invest their time in your series. 

Metrics include:

  • Positive reviews and ratings on podcast platforms
  • Listener testimonies on social media platforms

5. Monetization and revenue generation

B2C podcasts seek monetization and revenue generation primarily to sustain and grow. By analyzing revenue metrics, B2C podcasters can refine their strategies to maximize monetization opportunities.

Here are some metrics to consider when evaluating your podcast's ability to generate revenue:

  • Sponsorship or advertising revenue
  • Affiliate marketing earnings
  • Merchandise sales
  • Crowdfunding contributions 

CoHost Tip: We understand the podcast metrics can be a bit confusing at the start. To help simplify podcast tracking, we created the Ultimate Podcast Analytics Dictionary, so you can start making data-driven decisions quicker. 

7. Examples of B2B versus B2C podcasts

Lastly, let’s end with some successful examples of B2B podcasts versus some B2C podcasts:

B2B podcasts

Masters of Scale

Our first example of a popular B2B podcast is LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman’s Masters of Scale. The podcast is known for interviewing big-name business builders like Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg to talk about best practices when scaling a business and how to go from something small to something game-changing. 

New World of Work

Next is Oyster’s HR New World of Work where you’ll hear the world’s best and brightest people and culture experts talk about the cutting-edge topics that HR professionals are most interested in today — all through a global lens. 

The Partnership Economy

Lastly, we have’s The Partnership Economy where they dive into the many ways brands and clients can leverage the potential of partnerships for significant and sustainable business growth. The series brings partnerships to the forefront by sharing customer success stories and providing actionable tips and strategies listeners can implement in their everyday lives.

B2C podcast examples


#LIPSTORIES presented by Girlboss Radio Network in partnership with Sephora focuses on self-love and body positivity; a great message for Sephora to own in the space. Never directly talking about makeup, the show talks about beauty from all walks of life and in turn leaves listeners feeling more empowered and motivated (and as a result loving Sephora as a brand even more!). 

Because of Bitcoin

Ledn’s Becauce of Bitcoin shares inspiring, human stories about how people discovered Bitcoin and how it has changed their lives. Their experienced team of financial experts helps you experience the real-life benefits of your Bitcoin while building generational wealth.

SickKids VS

Focused on candid and heartfelt conversations with medical experts, patients, and families, the SickKids VS podcast shares impactful stories of breakthrough discoveries and care in child health. Targeted toward donors, supporters, and the broader community interested in health advancements, the podcast offers an intimate view of the hospital's work and takes listeners to the frontlines in the fight for child health.

The difference between B2B and B2C branded podcasts 

And that concludes our breakdown of B2B versus B2C branded podcasts. Although there are differences between the two, it’s important to note that inspiration can be taken from both sides of podcasting. 

Don’t fear stepping outside of your industry’s normal when it comes to content production.  If you’re interested in learning more about the difference between B2B and B2C podcasts or how to drive impact through your own, get in touch with our team and we’d be happy to help you navigate. 

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