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How Social Media Helps to Grow Your Podcast

Last updated on

November 2, 2023

How Social Media Helps to Grow Your Podcast

Discover the power of social media in boosting your podcast's growth. Uncover proven strategies, expert tips, and real-world examples that showcase how social media platforms can be leveraged to expand your podcast's reach, engage with your audience, and attract new listeners.

Alison Osborne


 min read


We always say that social media can be a powerful tool for growing your podcast audience. 

But why is that? 

Below we’ll be diving into 5 different ways that social media can help to grow your podcast audience. 

One thing that we’ll quickly note is that it’s important to consistently promote content on social media and engage with your audience. If you know that you don’t have the time to do this, we do not recommend using social media for your podcast at this time. 

Instead, wait until you do have the resources to dedicate to a great podcast social media strategy. 

Why social media is a game-changer in growing your podcast 

1. Builds communities 

Social media builds communities. You have the ability to invite your listeners to follow you on social media or they have the ability to find you themselves. Once they’ve done this you can begin interacting with them more authentically.

Podcasts overall are an incredibly intimate medium but at the end of the day it’s you speaking to your listeners, it’s a one-sided conversation. But when it comes to social media, you can interact with your audience, talk to them, engage with their posts, etc. You can even label your audience to create a greater sense of community. 

For example, John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneurs on Fire calls his community “Fire Nation”. 

2. Creates a better listener experience 

Your listener’s podcast experience doesn’t just end when the episode is finished. You want to find other ways that you can engage with them and entice them to come back for another episode. 

Social media is a great CTA, asking listeners to share their thoughts and perspectives and continue the conversation somewhere else.

But when you move listeners over to social media, ensure that you actually are giving them a great experience. 

Share insightful and valuable content while also being willing to interact with your audience. Building a community as we discussed above, is another great way to boost the listener experience. 

3. Increases discoverability 

One of the most remarkable advantages of leveraging social media for your podcast lies in its ability to boost discoverability, especially for growing podcasts. 

When it comes to gaining visibility for your podcast, social media is a cost-effective champion. In fact, it allows you to kickstart your promotional efforts without spending a dime.

Unlike traditional advertising methods that require substantial financial investments, social media platforms primarily demand your time and creativity. 

Creating engaging posts, initiating conversations, and establishing your presence across major platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter are all within your reach.

Moreover, no other marketing channel can match the organic surfacing of relevant content to captivate users' interests quite like social media. Take TikTok, for example. Its algorithm delivers a constant stream of engaging, surprising, and topical content to users, allowing them to stumble upon new and exciting things. 

With a staggering 4.9 billion social media users worldwide in 2023, tapping into these powerful algorithms becomes an indispensable tool in your podcasting arsenal. 

4. Increases searchability 

Social media platforms have transformed into more than just virtual gathering spaces. They now wield the power of search engines.

Consider this: YouTube, the second-largest search engine globally, ranks just behind Google. Moreover, a recent buzz surrounds TikTok, the Gen Z favorite, as it emerges as a go-to search engine for the younger generation

By establishing and maintaining a strong social media presence, leveraging relevant hashtags and keywords, and consistently sharing engaging content, you can significantly enhance your chances of being discovered by your target listeners. 

5. Can provide updates/news 

Is there something happening with your show that you weren’t able to discuss within your podcast episode? Social media is a great place to do this. 

Some different pieces of content that would be great to share on social media are: 

  1. Updates on your podcast frequency (i.e. if you’re ever taking a vacation)
  2. Any PR your podcast has gotten
  3. Tease out guests 
  4. Industry news 

By sharing this content, you’re not only keeping your audience up to date, but you’re also building a deeper connection with them since they feel more involved in your content. 

6. Share new episodes 

Anytime you have a new episode launch you should have a promotion strategy around it. Not only is sharing your content on social media great for SEO (search engine optimization), but it also notifies audiences when you have a new episode to tune in to. 

If you have followers that aren’t subscribed to your show but still tune in, having those reminders will encourage them to check it out. 

It’s also a great way for you to entice followers to listen. When you have a new episode come out, share clips from the recording that spark curiosity and interest from your followers. 

Make them want to listen to the full episode to either hear the full story, find the answer, or learn a new perspective. 

7. Establishes a stronger connection 

And finally, establish a strong connection with your audience. We briefly mentioned this already but making your listeners feel a connection to you as the host is what is going to get them hooked. 

While it may be tempting to view social media as a megaphone for broadcasting your podcast's content, it's essential to embrace its interactive nature fully. Rather than merely disseminating information, view social networks as an opportunity to forge deeper connections with your existing audience and entice new listeners

You can build these connections through authentic engagement, conversations, and making audiences feel as if they are along for the journey with you. 

How should you be promoting your podcast on social media?

There is no “one size fits all” approach to social media promotion, so we recommend considering the following questions before starting your social media strategy:

What social media platforms are you most comfortable with? What platforms lend themselves to the content you want to produce?

When it comes to selecting a social media platform for podcast promotion, it's essential to consider your personal preferences and what kind of content you want to produce.

Ask yourself, which platforms do you genuinely enjoy using? If you're an avid Instagram user, it makes sense to start there. By leveraging your familiarity with the platform, you can craft a social media strategy that aligns with your interests, making the process more enjoyable and authentic. 

Building a loyal following is easier when you begin with platforms you are familiar with, setting you up for success before venturing into new territories. 

For example, if your podcast is geared toward young people, you're captivated by short videos, and aren’t camera-shy, TikTok might be the ideal starting point for promoting your podcast on social media. 

Where is your target audience the most active?

Understanding your target audience is paramount to effectively promoting your podcast. Take time to identify the social media platforms where your listeners are most active. 

Generally, Gen Z'ers flock to TikTok, Millennials hang out the most on Instagram, while Gen X and Boomers tend to gravitate toward Facebook or LinkedIn. If your podcast caters to empty-nesters or soon-to-be child-free individuals, Facebook would likely be your best bet for engagement. 

By harnessing the power of the platforms preferred by your target demographic, you can maximize your podcast's exposure and connect with those who matter most.

Bring your social media plan into action

After reflecting on your answers to these questions, conduct some research within your podcasting niche. Identify successful podcasts that maintain active social media accounts and draw inspiration from their strategies. 

Once you've identified your podcasting role models, it's time to perform an audit of their social media accounts. Dive into the specifics of their posting habits and engagement techniques. 

  • What types of content do they share? 
  • How often do they post? 
  • Which hashtags do they utilize? 

Pay attention to the formats they use to interact with their followers, such as comments, live sessions, or stories.

We suggest working up a content calendar in order to plan and organize your posts strategically. Start by determining the optimal posting frequency that suits your podcast's goals. 

Then, brainstorm compelling content ideas that resonate with your target audience. This could include teaser videos, engaging questions as text overlays, or behind-the-scenes footage shared through stories.

Remember, your content calendar is a flexible blueprint, enabling you to streamline your efforts and save time. Dedicate a few hours to develop a monthly plan, and you'll reap the benefits in the long run.

Have you enhanced your podcast marketing strategy with social media?

At the end of the day, your listeners are really what helps to drive your podcast. Without them, you’ll lack the motivation to keep going. So make sure you make it known that they are valuable to you. Social media is just one way that you can achieve this. 

By leveraging the power of social media platforms, you can build communities, create a better listener experience, increase discoverability and searchability, establish a stronger connection with your audience, and so much more.

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