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The Podcast Analytics That Actually Matter for Your Branded Podcast

Last updated on

March 9, 2024

The Podcast Analytics That Actually Matter for Your Branded Podcast

Discover the metrics that provide valuable insights into your audience engagement, content performance, and overall podcast success. From listener retention to conversion rates, we delve into the essential analytics that will supercharge your podcast strategy and drive meaningful results.

Tianna Marinucci


 min read


Numerous brands have recognized the immense potential of audio and hopped on the podcasting bandwagon. However, merely launching a branded podcast is not enough to guarantee success. To truly thrive in this competitive landscape, it’s crucial for marketers to delve into the world of podcast analytics.

Podcast analytics provide invaluable insights into listener trends, audience behavior, and the overall performance of your branded podcast. However, if you’re not already familiar with audio, delving into the world of podcast analytics can get confusing when trying to determine which metrics matter.

In this article, we explore the podcast analytics that make an impact on your branded podcast, enabling you to make informed decisions and maximize the effectiveness of your podcasting efforts. Let’s get into it.

Downloads and unique listeners

Downloads and unique listeners are fundamental metrics that provide insight into the overall reach and popularity of your branded podcast. Tracking the number of downloads allows you to gauge the initial interest in your podcast and measure its growth over time. Downloads are likely one of the most commonly used podcast metrics but as the industry continues to push forward, we’re watching creators move away from relying on the sometimes misleading downloads metric.

We typically recommend brands turn to unique listeners when trying to get an accurate picture of your audience's size. A unique listener is made up of a listener that tuned into your podcast, even if they listened to your episode numerous times, they’re counted as one listener. Whereas with downloads, a listener can listen three times and that will be counted as three listens. This is what causes inaccuracy when trying to nail down audience size.  

To gain more detailed insights, consider tracking downloads and unique listeners across different platforms and episodes. This will help identify trends and patterns, enabling you to optimize your content and distribution strategies. CoHost, for instance, provides an episode breakdown where you can easily compare episode performance to see what content resonates with you audience. You can even get more granular and look at metrics including “downloads by location” and “downloads by time of day” to strategically plan releases and get more precise with your campaigns. All data that can be tracked with downloads can also be filtered out to only measure for unique listeners. 

Subscriber growth

Subscribers are dedicated listeners who are more likely to engage with your branded podcast regularly. Tracking the growth of your subscriber base allows you to assess the long-term success of your podcast and measure its impact on building a loyal audience.

To encourage subscriptions, consider implementing calls-to-action within your podcast episodes, such as inviting listeners to subscribe to receive exclusive content or updates. Promoting your branded podcast across various channels, such as social media and your website, can also help drive subscriber growth.

An important thing to remember is that just because someone is a subscriber doesn’t necessarily mean that they listened to an episode. Many apps will automatically download episodes from shows that you follow or subscribe to, but you’re not always hitting that play button. 

Listener engagement and retention

Probably among the most crucial metrics for your podcast, listener engagement and retention metrics provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your branded podcast's content and delivery. Engagement metrics go deeper to answer questions about your podcast like whether it’s resonating and audience preferences.

Key metrics to consider include:

a. Average Listening Duration:

Also known as consumption rates, this metric helps determine how much of your episodes listeners are consuming. Analyzing the average listening duration can indicate whether your content is resonating with your audience or if there is room for improvement. We typically recommend you aim for a 70% or high listening duration.

b. Listener Drop-off Points:

Identifying specific points within your episodes where listeners tend to drop off can help you identify potential weaknesses in your content or delivery. Were there too many ads? Did the conversation stray too far off-topic? By understanding these drop-off points, you can make adjustments to captivate your audience throughout the entire episode.

c. Listener Feedback and Reviews:

Encouraging listener feedback and monitoring reviews provides qualitative insights into how your branded podcast is being received. Pay attention to constructive criticism and positive feedback to refine your podcast and tailor it to your audience's preferences.

Geographic and demographic data

Understanding your audience's geographic and demographic data is crucial for effective podcast targeting and content creation. Typically, when brands set out to produce a branded podcast, they have an ideal listener in mind, a.k.a. Who you’re making the podcast for. And analyzing data such as the locations and age ranges of your listeners can help you tailor your episodes to their preferences and interests.

Demographic data can also provide valuable insights for potential sponsors or advertisers. By having a clear understanding of your audience's demographics, you can pitch your branded podcast more effectively and attract relevant partners.

B2B Analytics: Companies & Industries 

CoHost’s B2B Analytics tool allows brands to see exactly what companies are listening to their show and identify valuable leads. We designed this tool with brands in mind by identifying three major pain points they experience when releasing a podcast:

a. They’re unable to see whether their podcast is reaching their target market 

b. They can’t connect their podcast to marketing-qualified leads

c. They have a hard time justifying the ROI of their podcast without the ability to track attribution and return

By understanding the companies that are listening to a brand’s podcast, marketers can understand the effectiveness of their audio strategy and finally measure podcast ROI, data that the entire industry needs. 

CoHost's B2B Analytics offers competitive data on your podcast listeners and aids in lead generation efforts. Here’s how:

Breakdown of Companies Listening: 

Get a detailed look at the companies who are tuning into your podcast at the show and episode level, including their industries, location, average company size, and average revenue breakdown.

Episode Summary Page: 

Compare the top companies, industries, and company locations of each episode's unique audience.

Lead Generation: 

Export the list of companies who are tuning into your podcast to identify valuable prospects and boost lead generation efforts.

Conversion and impact

While podcasting is primarily a top-of-the-funnel marketing tool, it's important to measure the impact of your branded podcast on business goals. Some metrics to consider in assessing conversion and impact include:

a. Website Traffic:

Track the number of website visits originating from your podcast's referral sources. This can help determine the effectiveness of your podcast in driving traffic to your website and potentially converting listeners into customers.

b. Unique Tracking Links:

If your branded podcast aims to generate leads, track the number of leads or conversions attributed to your podcast's efforts. Consider using unique tracking links to measure the direct impact of your podcast on lead generation. Tracking links show you what sources your podcast downloads are coming from so you can easily optimize marketing campaigns.

c. Brand Perception:

Surveying your audience or analyzing social media sentiment can provide insights into how your branded podcast influences brand perception. Assess whether listeners perceive your brand more positively or associate it with specific values after engaging with your podcast.

Measuring the podcast analytics that matter

Measuring the success and impact of your branded podcast requires a thoughtful analysis of key metrics that go beyond basic download numbers. 

Focus on unique listeners, subscribers, engagement, and conversion metrics to gain valuable insights into your podcast's performance and make informed decisions to improve its effectiveness.

By harnessing these podcast analytics, you can elevate your branded podcast and unlock its full potential as a marketing tool. If you’re interested in learning more about podcast analytics, reach out to our team!

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