Podcast Format Questionnaire

Complete the questionnaire to help you decide on the best format for your podcast

Selecting the right format for your podcast can be a tough task. There are plenty of options out there for you to choose from (or you can create your own)!

We created a free Podcast Format Questionnaire to help guide you towards the podcast format that might fit best for your show.Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, review the podcast formats we’ve provided to see where your answers fit best.


Choosing the right podcast format is important for:

Retaining listeners

Framing your content

Creating a captivating brand story


CoHost’s Podcast Format Questionnaire will:

Help you uncover the
right format for your show

Introduce you to
new formats

Guide your
content creation

Assist you in
defining your tone


Drive reach, growth, and revenue for your podcast


Unlock analytics to show who your podcast
listener is and what resonates with them


“Finding the format that is the right fit for your show will ensure that you create a final product that will resonate with your target audience and drives results”

Eric Babakhanian, Director of Audience Growth at Quill and CoHost

Download the questionnaire now to discover the best podcast format for your show

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Unlock the full potential of your podcast and see who’s really listening

Maximize insights into your podcast audience, engagement, and ROI


Additional Reports to Explore

A Brand’s Guide to Podcast Analytics

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Elevate your branded podcast withdata-driven insights. A Brand's Guide to Podcast Analyticsis designed to equip companies with industry-leading knowledge and tools to navigate the evolving landscape of podcasting.


This report delves into the key metrics, measurement techniques, and industry best practices when it comes to podcast analytics. The goal is to empower brands to harness their data and maximize the impact of their podcast.

With CoHost’s B2B Analytics, brands can now uncover which companies are listening to their podcast and each individual episode in an easily consumable and exportable dashboard.

This information isn’t only valuable to analyze your target audience, but it can also be used for filling your marketing and sales pipeline.

Data plays a crucial role in helping marketers understand their audience and drive successful outcomes.

Harnessing the Power of Podcast Analytics to Drive Brand Success

At the end of the day, unlocking your podcast’s full potential lies in understanding the impact and performance of your content.

That's where podcast analytics come into play.

By investing in comprehensive analytics strategies and tools, you gain valuable insights into your audience demographics, episode performance, ROI, and much more.

These insights inform your content strategy, improve the overall experience for listeners, and drive growth for your podcast and brand.


Q1 Podcasting Report 2023

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2023 has been full of exciting news, updates, and breakthroughs for the world of branded podcasts.

Explore a recap of Q1's podcasting highlights.


Immerse yourself in Q1's most significant podcasting events and headlines. Discover the latest news from industry giants like Wondery, Amazon, Spotify, and YouTube, as they continue to shape the podcasting landscape.

With more than 5 million podcasts in existence(and counting), there are new shows launching all the time. Here are just a few that have launched in Q1.

The podcast industry hit the ground running in 2023

The Q1 Podcasting Report uncovers key data about the audio landscape

Read the report now to uncover Q1 2023's new products, tools, and launches.


The Podcast Landscape

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Discover who podcast listeners are and what they want from the shows they listen to


As a brand or creator, understanding who your audience is becomes vital.

The Podcast Landscape dives into not only the opportunities that brands and creators have in podcasting but also how listeners feel about podcasts and resonate with their content.

The top sources of discovery, opportunities podcasters are leaving on the table, and How podcast listeners feel towards branded podcasts.

55% of podcast listeners say their social circle makes podcast

Download the report now to understand 2023’s podcast and listener landscape.