Podcast Goal Setting Template

Discover key questions to identifying your show's goal and the metrics to measure it

Setting goals for your podcast provides a metric for you and your team to be working towards. Goals can come in the form of downloads, unique listeners, number of episodes, PR, awareness, lead generation, conversions, the list goes on and on.

Download this free Podcast Goal Setting worksheet to answer 8 key questions when it comes to identifying your show’s goal and the metrics needed to measure it.


CoHost’s Podcast Goal Setting Template will:

Help you identify the
goal of your podcast

Provide direction on
what metrics to focus on

Get you and your team on the same
page when it comes to measuring success


Inside the template, you will find tools to help you:

Distill the overarching
goal of your show

Rank your additional goals
in order of importance

Narrow down the platforms
you’ll use for tracking

Allocate additional
resources and support


Drive reach, growth, and revenue for your branded podcast


Unlock analytics to show who your podcast
listener is and what resonates with them


Any successful podcast is going to need a goal, otherwise, how do you measure success?

Download the template now to uncover important metrics about your show

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Unlock the full potential of your podcast and see who’s really listening

Maximize insights into your podcast audience, engagement, and ROI


Additional Reports to Explore

Podcast Analytics Template

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Download a simple-to-use podcast analytics template to effectively track the performance of your podcast.

Without the knowledge of how your podcast is performing, you lack the data to effectively make decisions to improve your content/marketing strategies.

You should be tracking your podcast analytics either weekly, monthly or by episode release.


Download the full report and uncover insights, benchmarks and more from pro podcasters

Download the full report and uncover insights, benchmarks and more from pro podcasters.


Q2 2023 Podcasting Report

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The first half of 2023 has come with a wave of thrilling innovations and milestones in podcasting.


For agencies, brands, or marketers looking to take their branded podcast to new heights, this Q2 podcasting recap will keep you informed and ahead of the curve on the latest trends in the industry.

Dive into the latest developments and noteworthy achievements that have shaped the landscape of branded podcasts in the second quarter of 2023

Download the full report and uncover latest insights, trends, and more from the podcast industry.


State of Podcast Agencies Report 2023

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Get insights into the podcast agency landscape including the biggest constraints and opportunities facing them today.


The State of Podcast Agencies 2023 seeks to better understand the agency landscape, covering operational details such as their size along with the constraints and opportunities facing podcast agencies and their clients.

45% of podcast agencies are struggling with resourcing

Download the report to explore the podcast agency landscape

The State of Podcast Agencies 2023 seeks to better understand the agency landscape and explore theconstraints, challenges, and opportunities facing podcast agencies and their clients.

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