Podcast Marketing Tactic Planner

Discover marketing tactics, plan for your own tactics, and track your podcast data

Podcast marketing is essential to the success of your podcast, without marketing - how will listeners know that you exist?But understanding what tactics are out there or which ones fit with your show the best can be a challenge.

We created a free Podcast Marketing Tactic Planner that provides podcast marketing tactic examples, a planner for your tactics, and a results overview so you can easily keep track of your data.


With the right podcast marketing initiatives, branded podcasts improve:


Brand awareness


Brand consideration


Brand favorability


Inside CoHost’s Podcast Marketing Tactic Planner you'll find:

A comprehensive
list of podcast
marketing tactics

A planning worksheet
to help you prioritize and
organize your marketing tactics

Tips and guidance
for executing your marketing
plan effectively

A comprehensive chart
to help you allocate your
resources effectively


Drive reach, growth, and revenue for your branded podcast


Unlock analytics to show who your podcast
listener is and what resonates with them


"Creating great podcast content is only the first step. To build a loyal audience, podcasters need to focus on marketing their podcasts effectively. By using smart marketing strategies, podcasters can reach new listeners, build their brand, and grow their audience."

Fatima Zaidi, Founder & CEO of Quill and CoHost

Download the planner now to uncover marketing tactics and begin tracking your podcast data

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Unlock the full potential of your podcast and see who’s really listening

Maximize insights into your podcast audience, engagement, and ROI


Additional Reports to Explore

The Ultimate Podcaster Starter Pack

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Explore 10 free templates to take your podcast to the next level


Starting a podcast can be overwhelming. That’s why we created the Ultimate Podcast Starter Pack to help podcasters plan, track, and measure their shows.

Distribute your show and plan your content.

Data is what drives podcast performance and growth.

Download the templates to begin taking your podcast to new levels

We hope you find the tips and insights throughout this guide useful in growing your podcast audience.


Podcast Social Media Calendar

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Take advantage of the power of social media marketing to grow your podcast


Social media is be a powerful took to grow your podcast when used correctly. But it requires planning and strategy to ensure you stay consistent and engage with your audience.

CoHost’s Social Media Planner will help you create engaging and impactful content

Stay on top of your post times and dates

CoHost’s social media planner gives you the tools you need to plan content while providing recommendations for the type of content you should be sharing across your channels.


Q2 2023 Podcasting Report

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The first half of 2023 has come with a wave of thrilling innovations and milestones in podcasting.


For agencies, brands, or marketers looking to take their branded podcast to new heights, this Q2 podcasting recap will keep you informed and ahead of the curve on the latest trends in the industry.

Dive into the latest developments and noteworthy achievements that have shaped the landscape of branded podcasts in the second quarter of 2023

Download the full report and uncover latest insights, trends, and more from the podcast industry.

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