2022 Podcaster Insights Survey

Exploring the challenges and opportunities for professional podcasters

The professional podcasting and audio creation industry can be shrouded in mystery, thats why CoHost asked podcasting professionals about what challenges they faced when creating and promoting a podcast.

The 2022 Podcaster Insights Survey uncovered pro podcasters views of creating, distributing and growing a show.


The survey uncovered key information
about the pro podcaster landscape:


of pro podcasters said they struggle
the most with audience growth

3 out of 4

podcasters monetize or plan
to monetize their show


of podcasters value
analytics platforms the most


The 2022 CoHost Podcaster Insights Survey gives creators insight on:

The challenges podcasters
are experiencing

What podcasters value
most in platform features

How podcasters are
monetizing or plan to monetize

Podcasters needs
and goals


Drive reach, growth, and revenue for your branded podcast


Unlock analytics to show who your podcast
listener is and what resonates with them


91% of podcasters agree that “audience growth is the hardest thing about podcasting.”

2022 Podcaster Insights Survey

Download the full report and uncover insights, benchmarks and more from pro podcasters

We’re happy to see that you’re interested in podcast marketing. We hope you find the tips and insights throughout this guide useful in growing your podcast audience.

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Unlock the full potential of your podcast and see who’s really listening

Maximize insights into your podcast audience, engagement, and ROI


Additional Reports to Explore

State of Podcast Agencies Report 2023

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Get insights into the podcast agency landscape including the biggest constraints and opportunities facing them today.


The State of Podcast Agencies 2023 seeks to better understand the agency landscape, covering operational details such as their size along with the constraints and opportunities facing podcast agencies and their clients.

45% of podcast agencies are struggling with resourcing

Download the report to explore the podcast agency landscape

The State of Podcast Agencies 2023 seeks to better understand the agency landscape and explore theconstraints, challenges, and opportunities facing podcast agencies and their clients.


Podcast Analytics Template

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Download a simple-to-use podcast analytics template to effectively track the performance of your podcast.

Without the knowledge of how your podcast is performing, you lack the data to effectively make decisions to improve your content/marketing strategies.

You should be tracking your podcast analytics either weekly, monthly or by episode release.


Download the full report and uncover insights, benchmarks and more from pro podcasters

Download the full report and uncover insights, benchmarks and more from pro podcasters.


Podcast Social Media Calendar

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Take advantage of the power of social media marketing to grow your podcast


Social media is be a powerful took to grow your podcast when used correctly. But it requires planning and strategy to ensure you stay consistent and engage with your audience.

CoHost’s Social Media Planner will help you create engaging and impactful content

Stay on top of your post times and dates

CoHost’s social media planner gives you the tools you need to plan content while providing recommendations for the type of content you should be sharing across your channels.

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