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How to Publish a Podcast: A Complete Guide

Last updated on

November 2, 2023

How to Publish a Podcast: A Complete Guide

Ready to launch the podcast of your dreams? Follow our step-by-step guide to publishing a podcast in 2022 without missing a beat.

Mackenzie Patterson


 min read


The world of podcasting today can be overwhelming, to say the least. If you’re new to the process of publishing a podcast, you may be wondering about the best way to get started, or how to avoid missteps along the way.

The good news is that you’ve come to the right place. Consider this your step-by-step guide for launching the podcast of your dreams and hitting the ground running. 

1. Do the pre-production legwork

First things first, you’ll need to do some thinking about what kind of podcast you’d like to release into the world. Before you can launch into executing your podcast, you’ll need to make some baseline decisions so you have a clear sense of direction once you do finally get cracking on your show.

Carve out some time to sit down with your team (or just you and a notepad, if you’re publishing your podcast solo) and do some brainstorming about the foundational elements of your podcast. After all, if you don’t have a clear sense of what your show is about, its purpose, and its overall tone, it’s going to be much more difficult to execute on new episodes when it comes time to create content.

Here are some general checklist items you’ll likely want to think about before you start working on your podcast:

  • Choose a theme / subject matter focus. Try to land on a focus that’s not too broad but not overly niche, either. It should be specific enough that it differentiates you from other shows, but not so specific that you risk alienating new listeners.
  • Choose a format / structure. Whether you’re opting for a podcast format that’s documentary style, interview based, or narrative, make sure you choose a framework that fits your overall theme and voice.
  • Choose a name. Selecting the right name for your podcast is essential because for many podcast listeners, an intriguing name acts as the main draw when they’re searching for new shows. Try to land on a name that gives new listeners a sense of what you’re talking about on the show, but double check that there aren’t any other existing podcasts with the same name.
  • Set goals. As you embark on your podcasting journey, it’s crucial to sit down and think about what you’re really trying to accomplish through your podcast. Do you hope to increase brand awareness? Connect with your community? Or another goal? Whatever it is, make sure it ties back to your brand’s overarching mission.

These are just a few of the podcast elements you might want to think through before you start executing. Depending on your specific podcasting needs, there could be other important considerations we haven’t listed here.

2. Choose a podcast hosting site

Next, it’s time to choose a podcast hosting site that will cater to your specific podcasting needs. A hosting site is essentially the online destination where you’ll upload, store and distribute your podcast episodes. Think of it as a central hub or a library where your podcast “lives.”

Your hosting site will provide you with an RSS feed, which is how you’ll eventually get your podcast to show up on podcast directories like Apple Podcasts. There are a few important considerations to take into account when choosing your hosting site, including but not limited to:

  • Storage limits
  • Data and analytics
  • Cost
  • Specific tools like transcription services or premium subscription capabilities for monetization

Think about your specific podcast needs and goals, and keep them in mind as you search for a hosting site. As you get started on your search, here are some of the more popular options you might want to look into:

  • CoHost. Built by professional podcasters, for professional podcasters, CoHost is a platform that’s empowering creators to take their podcast to the next level by offering a suite of tools to make it easier to publish, grow and measure your show.  
  • Buzzsprout. Buzzsprout offers several easy-to-use and powerful podcasting tools for promoting, publishing and reporting on your show, as well as tons of free learning materials to help you on your journey.
  • Podbean. Podbean is a podcasting platform that will help you create, promote and maximize your revenue through premium content, listener support and ads.
  • Simplecast. As a modern independent podcast hosting and analytics platform, Simplecast powers the podcasts of some of the world’s biggest brands like Facebook, Twitter and Shopify.
  • Spreaker. This platform offers a one-stop shop for podcast hosting, creation, distribution and monetization.

3. Write, record and edit your podcast

Now, for the fun part: writing, recording and editing your podcast! Here’s a brief overview of each stage in this process:

  • Writing / research. The amount of research, time and effort you put into planning out each new episode will depend on your podcast’s format, content and style. Some podcasters prefer to create just a brief outline before recording so the episode sounds off-the-cuff and natural, while others require more in-depth research and thoughtful scripting. Take some time to think through this process and what might work best for your brand and subject matter focus.
  • Recording. Thankfully, recording a podcast is now easier than ever, and you definitely don’t need a fancy recording studio to create excellent audio content. Here are some turnkey recording softwares you might want to look into once you reach this stage in the process:
  • Editing. And finally, once you’ve recorded your episode, it’s time for the post-production stage. This is where you have an opportunity to refine the episode by adding music and sound effects, removing mistakes, and making any other changes that will help you achieve podcast excellence. There are several editing softwares you can use to streamline this process:

4. Upload your podcast to the hosting site and ensure it’s available on as many directories as possible

Finally, you’re ready to release your podcast to the world! By now, you’ve already chosen a stellar podcast hosting service, so this step should be pretty turnkey.

Your podcast should automatically upload to major directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, but it’s never a bad idea to double check that it’s available on these platforms because this is where the majority of your listeners will come from. Using your RSS feed link, you can also manually add your podcast to other smaller directories to maximize your reach. 

Some examples to check out include:

For platforms like YouTube, you can see whether or not your podcast hosting platform publishes to the site. If it doesn’t, then you’ll have to upload your content to the platform separately!

5. Promote, promote, promote

Did we mention you need to promote your podcast? Once you’ve published your podcast, the hard work doesn’t stop there—publishing your first episode is only the beginning of your journey to podcast success. Now, it’s time to maximize exposure and grow your audience.

There are several ways to market your podcast and stand out from the crowd, but it will take some creative thinking and hard work. Here are just a few of the strategies you might want to check out to grow your podcast and win over new listeners:

  • Social media marketing
  • Website / blog content and SEO
  • Cross pollination with other podcasters
  • Networking and community events
  • Paid advertising

Of course, this list is just scratching the surface—the world of podcast marketing is massive and growing every day. For more information and educational resources on podcast marketing, visit the CoHost blog.

In conclusion

The process of launching a podcast doesn’t need to be overly complex. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be firing off new episodes like a pro in no time.

The important thing is staying true to your initial podcasting goals, and working with the right platforms to help you create podcast magic. Luckily, there’s no shortage of excellent podcasting platforms out there today, so you can rest assured you’ll be fully supported on your journey.

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